Sponsor an Orchestra Musician's Seat!
Donate $250 to help us pay for an orchestra musician’s seat. We will list your name in the digital program as will as give you a social shout. We have an orchestra of over 50 people, and we are so proud to be able to bring this to our community, but we need your help!
Donate $250 to help us pay for an orchestra musician’s seat. We will list your name in the digital program as will as give you a social shout. We have an orchestra of over 50 people, and we are so proud to be able to bring this to our community, but we need your help!
Donate $250 to help us pay for an orchestra musician’s seat. We will list your name in the digital program as will as give you a social shout. We have an orchestra of over 50 people, and we are so proud to be able to bring this to our community, but we need your help!